Thursday, November 3, 2016

Post 6

When someone is born they are born with animal like instincts. This is their nature. Nurture is the way someone is raised to act and what they do when they are older. As we saw with the Feral children such as Danielle it is extremely detrimental to an individuals health if they are not raised communicating and living with other people. Within the very small window of 6 months to 5 years a child must began to learn to communicate and perform tasks before their ability to do so normally will be gone forever. Through watching these types of videos about people who grew up without being nurtured I understood how little we are made through nature and how much we are effected by our upbringing and our nurture. Certain things in our life such as family, media, and our friends play a huge role in socialization. These specific things are tools to socializing kids at a very young age. Through the media especially the youth is influenced by advertisements saying what is right and what is wrong. Advertisements also play a role in instilling values, customs and beliefs into children at a young age. Media is one of the biggest agents of socialization along with family, friends and school.

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